This reel is a collection of my recent work that I designed and animated. I was responsible for the entire project for each clip shown from concept to post production. I used Adobe Illustrator, After Effects, Photoshop, Premiere Pro, Media Encoder, and Audition. 

0:00 -  Intro (Cinema 4D & After Effects)
0:03 - Gummishot montage
0:10 -  Kerv TikTok shop demo
0:12 -  IET (Interim Expert Team) Intro
0:15 -  Gummishot social media spot
0:20 - The Knot app demo creative challenge for Unique Influence (originally in IG Story format)
0:25 - Kerv Sizzle Reel interactive scan
0:33 - Kerv Max mockup & demo
0:45 - IET Intro
0:50 - Biotherm IG stories
0:58 - Gummishot reel
1:08 - Socialwithin creative challenge for IG stories
1:12 -  Outro

Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!):
License code: F3LMEBLYM636D4GA
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